For several of the Lili Ledy figures, wonderful variations exist among the editions of the suits. But, how does one tell the differences and know for sure what you own? After some careful consultation with WorldMEGO Super Collector Luis Felipe, we happily present a friendly guide. Check out these other Lili Ledy Suit Variations and try to figure out which suit is pictured above.
Type 1 Lili Ledy Aquaman suit. How do we know it's Type 1? The easiest giveaway is the wide ribbing of the suit. Upon closer inspection, we also notice a very loose weave. On really close inspection, we can sorta see little bits of cotton fuzz on the edges of the outfit. This would indicate a high cotton content, perhaps 100%. Also notice the heavy stitching around the neck. The overall feel of the suit is very soft if you rub your fingers across it.
Type 2 Lili Ledy Batman. What gives this away? We still have the soft feel associated with the Type 1 outfit, but not quite as soft. A bit more roughness is detected. This would indicate a cotton/polyester blend. Also, the weave is MUCH tighter than Type 1. The neck opening has a cleaner look without the heavy stitching of the Type 1.
Type 3 Lili Ledy Robin. Here we start to see a bit of a difference. These outfits seem closer to MEGO outfits. They have a MUCH higher percentage of synthetic materials. The way we know is the sight and feel test. Upon really close inspection, we hardly see the cotton fuzz associated with the Type 1 suit. Also, run your finger across the suit and it feels decidedly rougher than the Type 2 outfit. Weave is very tight compared to the first two outfits.
So, what’s the verdict? My Lili Ledy Superman has an overall clean and smooth appearance without the heavy neck stitching of Type 1. The feel test detected some roughness to the suit, even a bit rougher than Type 2. Hardly any cotton fuzz on close inspection. Plus, the weave is very tight. Much tighter than Type 1 or Type 2. Looks like the Lili Ledy Superman I own at the top is a Type 3!!! We here at WorldMEGO appreciate your comments and anything you’d like to add to the test. Thanks for playing!